Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 123, July 15, 2015
NewMoon Notes and Stages of the Moon
For those who wish to examine the most focal aspects of today’s NewMoon chart, here are the Tarot conversions that loom the largest, at least in my view:
NewMoon (Fool and Priestess) in the realm of Cancer (Justice), squaring Uranus (Magus) in Aries (Hierophant).
Mars and Mercury (Strength and Star), also in the realm of Cancer (Justice) are exactly opposing Pluto (World) in Capricorn (Tower).
These two formations are making the online astrologers very excited. I agree that the energies are intense, forming up a loose and imprecise T-square in the cardinal signs. In Medieval terms, this would be considered a single event, since aspects were judged as happening between signs, no matter what degrees within the sign a given plant would occupy. This convention would allow a person who owned an ephemeris to “eyeball” planetary interactions without having to make calculations.
However, in modern astrology, we have narrowed the idea of aspects to within just a few degrees of exact, so a square (for example) is only considered operative within a few degrees of 90º. By this measure, the Sun/Moon conjunction is too wide to be operative, since Pluto is retrograde and both the Lights are swiftly leaving the degrees that would put them in direct contact with Pluto. The same can be said for Uranus in the 20th degree of Aries — that can’t be an operative square between Uranus and Pluto, because of Pluto’s retrograde appearance and Uranus being almost 7 degrees past the point of exactitude. I my opinion, the opposition between Mars/Mercury and Pluto is the most important, because if you look at the solar system as a whole, today shows a straight line connecting Mercury. Moon, Mars, and Pluto through the body of the Sun.
The influence of Uranus is considerably weaker, since the square is a less “direct” aspect than conjunction or opposition, and also since Sun and Moon have already passed the exact square and are moving away much faster than Uranus can do. The keyword I would use to talk about the energy of Pluto in this group opposition is “confrontational”. If, as I have mentioned before, Pluto (World) is read to represent the corporate trans-national organism of industrial, military, financial and corporate control, then this opposition will signal the awakening resistance of the “little guy” against these vast, borg-like forces. A headline taken from today’s events illustrates my point perfectly: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-15/santa-cruz-county-votes-cease-doing-business-5-tbtf-mega-banks
Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Leo (Emperor and Empress in the realm of the Hermit) squaring Saturn (Judgement) moving retrograde in Scorpio (Temperance).
The square from Saturn is strongest with Venus, but since Saturn is retrograde right now, he’ll soon be making an exact square with Jupiter (this aspect being most fully operative the last week of July and first week of August). Jupiter multiplies whatever he touches, whereas Saturn prunes and limits all egregious excess. Hence we have a push-me/pull-ye situation in place, presided over by the two largest of the visible planets — the talisman of good luck and increase is being challenged by the significator of limitation and decrease. In my view, the Emperor has the advantage because of his forward motion, and because he’s blessed by the companionship of the Empress, symbol of harmony and attraction. Try to articulate your goals without evoking greed or the desire for outrageous excess, and be sure to include the intent to produce a better world for all. This will allow you to avoid most of the cruel cuts that Saturn is reserving for those grandiose and demanding sorts who want to “take their half out of the middle”, as my Dad used to say. Remember that hoary old nostrum from the 1970’s — live simply, that others may simply live.
Neptune (Death) in the realm of Pisces (Sun) is the only planet that has gone unmentioned. In an earlier era, this would not have shown up on our roster of moving planets, since Neptune is one of the invisibles. But, if it were possible, those earlier astrologers would have see this as a Grand Trine in the water signs, together with Saturn in Scorpio and the NewMoon bundle in Cancer. Such a preponderence of Water invites us to surrender to the inner flow and let the unspoken current take us where it will, as the Beatles so famously reassured us: "Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream. It is not dying." These planets in their watery stations allow the collective psyche of humanity to be relieved of left-over undissolved detritus from the past. Trust that any deposits of ancient dead-end energy are being diluted now, flushing away, leaving a clean and neutral medium behind. In light of the Trumps involved, this combination suggests that we meditate on the Light beyond all form, focusing attention on the immortal quotient of our being. It is not necessary to be religious, spiritual or even psychic to benefit from this background Water Trine. This is a gift bestowed freely by the Collective Unconscious, arriving on our psychic shores via the dreamtime current. Only know that it is so, and be well.
All that said, I wish the best to you, dear reader! As the Sun pivots into High Summer, may the fields of your endeavor ripen in the spiritual sun. We are ending the circuit of the Wet Way (Aquarius to Cancer) and standing on the cusp of the Dry Way (Leo to Capricorn). As we pull our attention away from the phase of materialization, focusing towards the phase of interiorization, let us give thanks to the Powers that Be, which can always be trusted to carry us onward through our adventures and towards our destiny.
Bright blessings on your journey, wherever it leads.
Our publication date and time corresponds to the New Moon each month. This month the Moon is conjunct the Sun on Tuesday June 16th. As an astrologer-symbolist, I habitually tie my activities to the cycle of the Moon. If you would like, you can use the Tarot University ArkLetters to help you track the moon's phase - just subscribe to our website and you'll always know what the next phases and dates are!
Stages of the Moon; Dates/Times for the American Northern Hemisphere
• The present NewMoon is at 23+ Cancer on Wednesday July 15th at 9:25 PM (EDT) / 6:25 PM (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 0+ Scorpio across the midnight hour from Thursday June 23rd at 9:05 PM (PDT) / Friday June 24th at 12:05 AM (EDT).
• FullMoon is at 7+ Aquarius on Friday July 31st, at 6:44 PM (EDT) / 3:44 AM (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 14+ Taurus on Thursday, August 6th at 10:04 PM (EDT) / 7:04 PM (PDT)
• The next NewMoon is at 21+ Leo on Friday August 14th at 10:54 AM (EDT) / 7:54 AM (PDT). From this moment the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
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ArkLetter 122, June 16, 2015
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2015, all rights reserved
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Tarot Interpretation & Charts
Tarot Reading text creation at Tarot.com
Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light and Tarot of the Holy Light: A Continental Esoteric Tarot (Volume 1 of two to accompany the deck).
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