Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 121, May 18, 2015
Book News: Stand by -- Coming soon
Tarot of the Holy Light; A Continental Esoteric Tarot is Volume 1 in a pair dedicated to our Tarot of the Holy Light. It is so close now that we’re getting goose bumps! We are watching the many obstacles we have overcome fall away like booster rocket from a satellite. Mercury retrograde will of course have his way with us, as you’ll see below. But we can now see that things are happening in divine right order, and the direction of the flow is now inevitable. We are optimistic and you should be too.
When we send out the notice that the book is available, you will be able to find it at my website, through Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobles, and as an app for Kindle. We will also be including the book, the deck, and other gifts in a campaign to fund the second printing of the card pack, Tarot of the Holy Light (with a brand new beautiful back), as well as a hardback full-color production of this book. You will have a nice range of choices about how you would like to acquire the book and whether you want to participate in the fundraiser.
For those who eagerly pre-paid, I have now made outreach to everybody on my list. Some people have changed their e-mail addresses, so I sent out letters that should be arriving this week. Having searched my records, I think I have found and reached out to everybody. However, if there is anyone who has fallen through the cracks, please e-mail me at [email protected] with some identifying data so I can fulfill my happy obligation.
The painting that comprises the cover front and back (and covers the deck box as well) was created by Michael's brother Patrick Dowers, and it represents (to the left) the many winding alleys and secret doorways that we have traversed to bring this deck and book to you. The right-hand image is Sophia offering the reader the rewards of our search. The text on the back reads:
Tarot of the Holy Light and its companion volume Foundations of the Esoteric Tradition supply the keys to unlock Tarot’s significance as the premier magical calculator of the Renaissance. The correspondences demonstrated inTarot of the Holy Light apply to any historical Tarot that conforms to the Marseilles order and numeration. These timeless fundamentals reveal the interior architecture that has been carried forward in the Tarots of Etteilla, the so-called Egyptian Tarots (Belline, Falconnier, Zain), the literary works of Christian, Levi, and Papus, right up to classic 20th century Continental esoteric packs like the Tarots of Oswald Wirth and Manly P. Hall. This Volume 1 of the set is dedicated to the creators of Continental Tarots in the past, present, and future in honor of the magical philosophy that inhabits the historical Tarot’s outline and inherent meanings.