Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 119, March 20, 2015
NewMoon Notes March 20 2014; After Drought, the Deluge
Wow, out with the old, in with the new in a big and unprecedented way. We have just passed through a cosmic wormhole -- Super NewMoon Eclipse at Spring Solstice. This has provided dramatic setting for Earth's transition at the cusp between the past and the future.
Just after FullMoon I was quite arrested by this article:
The gist of the story is that the recent Tropical Storm Pam, which hit so hard in Vanuatu on March 17th,, might have unleashed a change that will affect next season's weather pattern along the entire northern Pacific coastline. I am underplaying the article, but the observation is that Pam caused a reversal in the trade winds which, in one stroke, could unleash a trend for Spring that takes us in an utterly unexpected direction. For some reason, this news struck a cord in me, the very same one that resonated when I heard that the earthquake at Fukushima altered Earth's gravity and changed the planet's orbit. Each one of these realizations reminds me that the Earth is evolving and transforming herself right under our feet and all around us.
We shall see if this change in the predicted spring turns out to be true in fact, but just the thought that a single (albeit huge) storm in the Tropics can swing a season's worth of weather towards an entirely new trajectory sets me pondering. The kicker was this, "A strong El Nino would result in above average rainfall in the entire Pacific West. It would also relieve the more serious drought conditions now occurring in Sao Paulo, Brazil."
Issued on the same day is another set of headlines, this time about the geomantic situation on planet Earth: http://tinyurl.com/mxywt8q
These different kinds of storms in the literal and electromagnetic weather have come up as a topic for the present NewMoon Notes because they aptly illustrate the reputation the Equinoxes have for hosting intense turbulence. Remember the saying for March -- in like a lion, out like a lamb. The mutable sign at the end of the previous season (Pisces, in this case) hands the baton to the cardinal sign commencing the new season (Aries), which is almost always a bumpy process.
Considering the extra emphasis which the SuperMoon, Eclipse and Equinox bring to the equation reminds us that perhaps other things that are just outside of the circle of our conscious awareness might be due to change as well. Gardeners west of the Rockies, for example, might be wise to plan and plant for a grey, moist, cool spring, holding back on starting those summer-hungry plants that need long cloudless days to fulfill their destinies. People who are thinking of heading for the southwestern deserts to ease their cold-season arthritis might need to make other plans. Those with a tendency for SADS might refrain from putting away their sunlamps for an extra month or two. The upside is, we might be so lucky as to have this very destructive drought somewhat moderated. My prayers go out to the whole West Coast generally, that the new season might be kind to the drought-stricken areas, offering the region, all the plants and animals, some margin of healing as this Spring unfolds.
Here are some very brief remarks about the chart that inaugurates our upcoming month:
On the lucky side of the coin, Mercury has passed Neptune. The tendency for delusional thinking is passing. Venus is in Taurus, leading us to be happier with simpler things, enjoying the increasing warmth and longer days. Mars is pulling away from Uranus in Aries, so the sense of being trapped in an emergency situation can scale back somewhat. For the first week of April, Venus and Mars will co-occupy Taurus, which will hopefully bring some opportunities for taking time out, seeking rest, recreation and regeneration through immersion in Nature.
Uranus has just turned the tables on Pluto, having finally pulled himself beyond their stand-off across the Cardinal signs, thus initiating the degeneration of their long-held square. They will have one more close brush with the square aspect at the beginning of 2016, but no longer will we be living under their mathematically exact confrontation. Over the next few months Jupiter and Uranus will be forming into an energizing and creative Fire trine (Aries to Leo), which will peak at the end of June and wane away by the end of July.
More challengingly, Saturn and Jupiter are both retrograde through the first week of April, meaning that both the planet of Discipline and the planet of Opportunity will have to find alternate means of working out obstacles. Direct routes will be harder to access, so creative work-arounds will be welcomed. Saturn remains retrograde until August, dipping back into Scorpio from June 15th until August 11th. We might as well make retrograde Saturn our friend, he'll be hanging out awhile! Go slow and be thorough so you can attract his good graces.
Retrograde Jupiter in Leo has been enduring a slow-moving inconjunct from Pluto, which persists across all of March and April. Mercury in Gemini will turn this into a complete Finger of God pointing at Pluto for the second full week of May. We can expect to see some grim and shocking headlines in response to these influences. Try to separate yourself from these events if at all possible -- it doesn't help for any of us to become unstrung and gutshot from over-empathizing with all the bad news our crisis-based media can serve up.
Venus is in an awkward relationship with Saturn for the next month, moving from an opposition aspect (exact on April 15th!) to an inconjunct aspect (May 12th). Saturn seems disapproving in his retrograde mood; their usual trust and comfort seems to be strained. Methinks the trouble lies with Saturn, which is to say, Venus doesn't need to inhibit her pleasure in the coming spring, nor feel guilty when she can't get her patron and protector Saturn to see things in a positive light. Let them agree to disagree so Mr. Old Wet Blanket doesn't get the chance to squelch her appreciation for the good, the true and the beautiful.
These are just a few of the upcoming hightlights of the month. My fervent prayer is that the next time you hear from me, it will be to announce the availability of the Tarot of the Holy Light companion book. Watch this space! Every day brings us closer to the blessed event....
Blessings all! Soon come!
Our publication date and time corresponds to the New Moon each month. This month the Moon is conjunct the Sun on Thursday, September 24th. As an astrologer-symbolist, I habitually tie my activities to the cycle of the Moon. If you would like, you can use the Tarot University ArkLetters to help you track the moon's phase - just subscribe to our website and you'll always know what the next phases and dates are!
Stages of the Moon; Dates/Times for the American Northern Hemisphere
• The Present NewMoon Eclipse is at 29+ Pisces, on Friday March 20th at 0+ Aries, at 5:36 AM (EDT) / 2:36 Am (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 6+ Cancer on Friday March 27, at 3:44 AM (EDT) /12:44 AM (PDT).
• FullMoon Eclipse is at 14+ Libra on Saturday April 4th, at 8:07 AM (EDT) / 5:07 AM (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 21+ Capricorn on Saturday, April 11th at 11:46 PM (EDT) / 8:46 PM (PDT)
• The next NewMoon is at 28+ Aries on Saturday, April 18th, at 2:58 PM (EDT) / 11:58 AM (PDT). From this moment the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
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ArkLetter 119, March 20, 2015
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2015, all rights reserved
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Tarot Interpretation & Charts
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Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light
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