Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 118, February 18, 2015
NewMoon Notes
February 18, 2015
This month's NewMoon is happening in the last degree of Aquarius, right at the cusp of Pisces. This puts both Sun and Moon in line to cross Neptune as the NewMoon kiss beaks up. Translated into Tarot Trumps, this is the Priestess/Fool combination passing through the exit-door of the realm of The Moon (#18, Aquarius), already stepping over the threshold to the realm of The Sun (#19, Pisces ). Every forward step either one make takes them closer to their separate encounters with Neptune/Death (#13, Primal Water). Neptune/Death promises to teach the realities that open to the soul when it can sense beyond the experience of the body. The Priestess (Moon) will cross over Neptune in the next 24 hours, but The Fool (Sun) will take a little longer than a week to complete this process and break free from Neptune's aura. Expect a certain boggle-factor to prevail despite everybody's best efforts to be clear and stay calm. Taking the Priestess/Fool pair as the two lobes of the brain, literate and intuitive respectively, I infer that the period of deep questioning and investigation (the month of Aquarius) is passing in favor of a time where all dichotomies are dissolved and a transcendent viewpoint is established (Neptune in Pisces). Stay open to a revelation that puts everything that came before into a new and brighter context.
Mercury is striding through the first decanate of Aquarius, putting it in subtle communication with both Saturn and Neptune. Translated into Tarot terms, that's The Star moving through the realm of The Moon. As he's doing this, he's sharing subtle communication with Judgement from the realm of The Devil, and Death from the realm of The Sun. DO YOU SEE HOW MANY CARDS BELONGING TO THE FINAL SEPTENARY OF TRUMPS ARE SHOWING UP HERE? Six out of seven! This is a lot of titanic, collective-unconscious, cross-reactive mojo being telegraphed onto Mercury, I'd have to say. I think we should watch Mercury and his aspects like a hawk this month (as well as The Star and The Moon cards), because he's obviously heavily empowered with invisible energies that will be seeking expression through his imagination and mouth.
Readers can make sure to listen to what people are saying, but also listen very closely to the immediate, gut-level, back-of-the-mind responses your own psyche volunteers while you are in the act of listening. You don't have to say everything you are thinking, matter of fact, it might be better to keep your own counsel. The more you watch and listen instead of broadcasting your unfinished thoughts, the more skillfully you will be able to navigate through this very loaded time. I'm assuming we are going to see headlines that tell of double-dealing and cluster-breakdowns across all markets, political theaters, and international relations. I'm quite interested to see what falls out of Mercury's bag of tricks this month!
Mars and Venus are conjunct in late Pisces, being about to drop a fertile seed at the spring-point of 0º Aries. Translated, that means Empress and Strength, who have recently joined up together in the realm of The Sun, are about to accompany each other into the realm of the Hierophant (where they will subsequently each have a meeting with the Magus). My guess is that this esoteric "spring-point insemination" will have a lot of people waking up to themselves. I hope we'll begin recognizing just exactly why certain supposedly random accidents of fate have been erupting as they have. Because this is a Mars/Venus conjunction, my guess is that the natural self-inseminating creativity we each carry within ourselves is about to spontaneously go into labor and deliver a brilliant and unexpected "AHA" moment right in our laps. We are caught by surprise, but thrilled to see our way through a longstanding conundrum. Yes, new difficulties will present themselves, but they won't be the difficulties of the past anymore, but will instead be the difficulties of the future. It feels like progress, so let's be thankful and dig in!
There is a 3-4-5 Triangle between Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. The cards are as follows: The Magus in the realm of the Hierophant (Uranus in Aries) is sympathetic and supportive (trine) towards the Emperor in the realm of the Hermit (Jupiter in Leo). However The World in the realm of the Tower (Pluto in Capricorn) threatens to throw thunder down (by square) on The Magus. The only solution for harmonizing the tension between the trine and the square is for The Emperor (Jupiter) to get into a dialogue with The World (Pluto) and figure out their common denominator (the aspect between these two is an inconjunct or quincunx, 150º). The situation calls for agreeing-to-disagree or something along those lines. Inconjuncts force people and situations with irreconcilable differences to split the difference and then relax about what they can't change anyway. It's a forced adaptation to a situation that isn't going to bend, and the results often turn out better than people imagine could can be possible. All together they comprise a Pythagorean Harmonic Trine, which since antiquity has represented the mathematics of the Fibonacci spiral, an essential design component of natural growth.
In Summary: Because of the interesting pairings and background subtleties present this month, as well as the fact that the Sun is rolling into Pisces as you read this, I would consider this to be a very subjective but very fertile month ahead. Yes, outer events will churn along relentlessly, but their significance is not so much based on surface appearances, as it is based on the interior meaning your own psyche invests upon whatever is happening around you. Unique patterns are forming in your mind: You are translating juxtapositions that used to seem random in an entirely new and creative way. Become more aware of the way your experience bubbles up from your own interior wellsprings, and you will be less surprised by external changes as they appear. You'll begin to recognize your own precognitive sensing, which will make it easier to arrive at your necessary next choices. Seeming opposites are uniting here, opening up a charmed moment (or month) that is all about merging and then emerging in new associations and alignments. Pisces energy represents the river of time, carrying the detritus of the past downstream and depositing the resulting slurry of nutrition that will feed the future along its banks. Cease resisting the necessary dissolving and rinsing out that is happening, and you will be supplied with a whole new world of possibilities blooming right under your feet. Jupiter is the traditional ruler here, so relax and let the Great Benific do his work.
See you at the Equinox. May all the seeds you are planting right now roar into joyful life in 2015!
Our publication date and time corresponds to the New Moon each month. This month the Moon is conjunct the Sun on Thursday, September 24th. As an astrologer-symbolist, I habitually tie my activities to the cycle of the Moon. If you would like, you can use the Tarot University ArkLetters to help you track the moon's phase - just subscribe to our website and you'll always know what the next phases and dates are!
• The Present NewMoon at 29+ Aquarius on Wednesday, February 18th at 6:47 PM (EST) / 3:47 PM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase. FUTURE STAGES:
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 6+ Gemini on Wednesday, February 25th, at 12:14 PM (EST) /9:14 AM (PST).
• FullMoon is at 14+ Virgo on Thursday March 5th, at 1:05 PM (EST) / 10:05 AM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 22+ Sagittarius on Friday, February 13th at 1:48 PM (EST) / 10:48 AM (PST).
• The next NewMoon at 29+ Pisces, on Friday March 20th at 0+ Aries, at 5:36 AM (EDT) / 2:36 Am (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.There will be a Solar Eclipse at 5:45 AM (EDT) / 2:45 AM (PDT).
Spring Equinox happens at 6:45 PM EDT / 3:45 PM (PDT).
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ArkLetter 118, February 18, 2015
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2015, all rights reserved
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Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light
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