Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 116, November 22, 2014
New Moon Notes for November 22, 2014
Today's NewMoon puts the evolutionary emphasis on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. Medieval astrologers saw this as a movement in the collective body of Astrological Man (or Melothesic Man, another name for the same idea), representing a migration of vital forces from the functions of the lower bowels and colon to the functions of the thighs. This represents a shift of emphasis from the detoxification and eliminative functions to the mobility afforded by the largest power-generation muscles in the human body. The thigh muscles are the body's major pumps for moving blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid around. Meanwhile, the bone marrow of the thighs are the primary site for production of blood cells and immune cells to support health and defend the body from attack. So from these indications we can derive that there is a new flush of energy surging through the collective mind/body, away from thoughts about "what went wrong" to thoughts about "what's going right."
After the unburdening and detoxification of our Scorpio business (last NewMoon), this NewMoon leaps into the fire sign Sagittarius with great vigor and enthusiasm. Like gold rendered in the forge, the purified Sagittarius impulse glitters and gleams with the warm Light of higher consciousness. Purged of its earthly toxins, the soul exults in its true and immortal nature, feeling that it can evolve faster and overtop its previous limits with ease. The angelic side of the personality comes to the fore, sweeping away lower motives and limitations. Jupiter's rulership permeates this zone with optimism, generosity, expansiveness, granting a sense of infinite support. Some of these feelings might represent exaggerations, of course, but with Jupiter transiting Leo as the NewMoon bursts into Sagittarius, it is only natural to feel illuminated and excited about the possibilities. As the dark of winter falls around us, these heart-opening inspirations are empowering.
We also see a 5-body NewMoon conjunction, all within 16º of arc. The group consists of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio followed by NewMoon (Sun/ Moon together) and Venus in Sagittarius. I would say that Saturn is putting Mercury to the test, operating as the taskmaster and accountant, scrutinizing Mercury's worthiness to pass. Saturn is likely to make Mercury eat any of his past words that weren't spoken in truth and authenticated with sincerity. Meanwhile the Light of Nature (which is Venus' power to reveal the Truth) opens a path through Sagittarius for the Moon (the astral body, the psyche) soon to follow. No matter what house this falls into given the locality of the reader, this 16º bundle of Scorpio/Sagittarius energies incites us towards overtopping our previous psychological and spiritual limits via the rampant creativity of our feminine side. Remember that the Sun, Moon and Mercury are ancient alchemical symbols for the principals of the Great Work. Also the Moon, Mercury and Venus are the planets that provide Boehme's healing tincture which stills the Wrath troubling the material world. Therefore, this powerful and multidimensional conjunction takes on increased significance to the journey of the soul.
Mars leaves Pluto behind in Capricorn, making a T-square to the Nodes. As mentioned last month, Saturn in Scorpio is in mutual reception to the ruler of Scorpio in Capricorn. It doesn't matter whether you think Pluto or Mars is the ruler of Scorpio, this mutual reception obtains. I happen to favor Mars with that rulership, which indicates that this mutual reception is getting ready to run its course. By December 5th Mars will have moved on to Aquarius, and on Christmas day Saturn will be reborn in Sagittarius. That gives us some ten days to complete any projects that we want to bring to birth during this powerful exchange of energies. Mutual Receptions don't depend on degrees or aspects -- they function more like a telepathic bond between planets that are transiting each other's signs, whatever distance they may have between them. Projects completed under this aspect should be characterized by magical penetration and staying power.
The Pluto/Uranus square is back in action, granting us another round of unbelievable headlines about the global clash that's raging everywhere between the multinational (financial/military/industrial) Borg versus the wily and unpredictable "little guy" with his/her million asymmetrical strategies of resistance. I didn't go looking for it, but no doubt there are many astrologers writing about this winter Cardinal Sign square as another step in the sequence that started last summer and will finally culminate next spring. This sequence is a two-year dance of separation, since Uranus, the faster moving planet, is pulling away from Pluto, the slower moving planet. Pluto represents stability in Capricorn, while Uranus is pressing explosive change from radical Aries. We each get to figure out our identifications, because of course most people have relationships with both sides of this square., whether they are internal character resemblances or exterior social and relational situations. Nobody goes untouched when the generational planets clash and spark off each other, so there is no point in resisting these ideas. Just look around your own life and notice where the battle lines are being drawn between the pressing forces of conformity versus the unbreakable claim that personal sovereignty arouses in the heart. When one has a constitutional yearning and hunger for change, no amount of control strategies will succeed in quenching that hope. Even death can look like a better choice than stasis. When a person, family or cultural group reach this stage, there is no telling what they will be willing to do. The endless creativity of the unbridled individual is a wonder of nature, it is truly the mother of invention. It is axiomatic that the harder Pluto squeezes down in the attempt to control things, the faster Uranus will find a way out through the cracks. Like water, Uranus is basically uncrushable, it will undo any contrivance meant to compress or contain it.
• The Present NewMoon at 0º+ Sagittarius on Saturday, November 22 is at 7:32 AM (EST) / 4:32 AM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 7+ Pisces on Saturday, November 29th, at 5:06 AM (EST) /2:06 AM (PST).
• FullMoon is at 14+ Gemini on Saturday, December 6th, at 7:27 AM (EST) /4:27 AM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 22+ Virgo on Sunday, December 14th at 7:51 AM (EST) /4:51 AM (PST).
• The next NewMoon at 0+º Capricorn (Winter Solstice) on Sunday, December 21st at 8:36 PM (EST) / 5:36 PM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
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ArkLetter 116, November 22, 2014
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2014, all rights reserved
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Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
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Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light
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