Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 116, November 22, 2014
I. Announcements And Updates, Plus a bonus Deck Review
AstroTheology: The Thin Spindle of Necessity, Part 2 has been released. Part 1 is here, part 2 is here. The second part deals with the Ladder of Lights, which is an essential aspect of Boehme's Astral Alchemy. Enjoy! http://www.tarotarkletters.com/2014/11/announcements-and-updates.html
II. New Moon Notes for November 22, 2014
Today's NewMoon puts the evolutionary emphasis on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. Medieval astrologers saw this as a movement in the collective body of Astrological Man (or Melothesic Man, another name for the same idea), representing a migration of vital forces from the functions of the lower bowels and colon to the functions of the thighs. This represents a shift of emphasis from the detoxification and eliminative functions to the mobility afforded by the largest power-generation muscles in the human body. http://www.tarotarkletters.com/2014/11/newmoon-notes-november-22-2014.html
III. Check out the HOLY LIGHT TAROT APP FOR I-TUNES ...use our Continental-Style Tarot App on your I-Phone for instant access to your own inner guidance, no matter where you are! https://itunes.apple.com/app/tarot-of-the-holy-light/id555363251?ls=1&mt=8.
Now get your HOLY LIGHT TAROT APP FOR ANDROID ... new for 2014! Spread the word, these gemlike cards shine forth in their full luminosity. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foolsdog.holylight
IV. Order our new Tarot of the Holy Light Deck ..Voted #6 Tarot Deck of 2011 by Aeclectic Tarot...Use this deck in combination with our new I-Tunes App to get the most out of the layered symbology in this exceptional Continental-Style Tarot created by Christine Payne-Towler and Michael Dowers; order at http://www.tarotuniversity.com/2011/09/tarot-of-the-holy-light-deck.html
V. And finally, TAROT OF THE HOLY LIGHT T-SHIRTS, TOTE BAGS, POSTERS AND MUGS! Tarot University is proud to announce that you can now order a range of fine products emblazoned with the Trump images that inhabit the Tarot of the Holy Light. What could be more wonderful going into the holiday season, than giving your Tarot aficionado a wearable image of his or her favorite Trump from our luminous Tarot? The shirts are high quality, properly-fitting 100% cotton from Hanes, and the images are beautifully done, so you can be sure you will enjoy wearing them for years to come. You can also choose from among 12 Zodiacal designs created by another old friend, artist and inventor Fred Mueller, whose images of the Signs glow with gemlike intensity. There's something here to please every metaphysical taste!Purchase products with the Tarot of the Holy Light images here: http://tarotuniversity.deco-apparel.com/
Our publication date and time corresponds to the New Moon each month. This month the Moon is conjunct the Sun on Thursday, September 24th. As an astrologer-symbolist, I habitually tie my activities to the cycle of the Moon. If you would like, you can use the Tarot University ArkLetters to help you track the moon's phase - just subscribe to our website and you'll always know what the next phases and dates are!
CURRENT STAGE OF THE MOON for the Americas:• The Present NewMoon at 0º+ Sagittarius on Saturday, November 22 is at 7:32 AM (EST) / 4:32 AM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 7+ Pisces on Saturday, November 29th, at 5:06 AM (EST) /2:06 AM (PST).
• FullMoon is at 14+ Gemini on Saturday, December 6th, at 7:27 AM (EST) /4:27 AM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 22+ Virgo on Sunday, December 14th at 7:51 AM (EST) /4:51 AM (PST).
• The next NewMoon at 0+º Capricorn (Winter Solstice) on Sunday, December 21st at 8:36 PM (EST) / 5:36 PM (PST). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.If you want to engage in even more conversation about Tarot, I invite online comments to my ArkLetter essays. Just visit the ArkLetter URL of the article you want to discuss and tell me what you think - your comments are published immediately on the site, and may stimulate more dialogue over time.
I wrote the divinatory text used at Tarot.com, an online place for exploring the self-guided initiatory arts. Astrology, Numerology, I-Ching and Tarot readings are all available there, and you might be both surprised and pleased with the services offered to members.
Learn how and why I think Tarot.com's computerized online Tarot readings work: http://noreah.typepad.com/tarot_arkletters/2005/07/tarotcom_readin.html
You may be receiving this note because you sent an inquiry to Tarot University or Tarot.com. Unsubscribing is easy - just follow the instructions. This list is free, and light - I send out one note a month, like this one, informing you of my new publications and discussions via these New Moon ArkLetters - http://www.tarotarkletters.com.
If you've received this through a friend and want this ArkLetter Announcement each new moon in your in-box, please visit our subscribe link: http://www.tarotarkletters.com/subscribe/index.html. We have an RSS syndication feed, too!!
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ArkLetter 116, November 22, 2014
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2014, all rights reserved
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TAROT ARKLETTERS are published by:
Christine Payne-Towler and Noreah Press
Tarot Interpretation & Charts
Tarot Reading text creation at Tarot.com
Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light
Anyone objecting to the use of their image in this free publication can have it removed immediately - Ed.