Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 114, September 24, 2014
New Moon Notes
Libra NewMoon, September 24, 2014
The NewMoon is in the first degrees of Libra. Given the interwoven relationships that criss-cross the interior structure of the Zodiac, this highlights the early degrees of Pisces, where Neptune is retrograde, and the early degrees of Sagittarius, where Mars is transiting. The first decanate of every sign is always the most "pure", because it carries the character of the sign's natural ruler. In this case, Mars is sitting in the Jupiter decanate of Saggitarius, and Neptune is sitting in the Jupiter decanate of Pisces. Interesting! These planets might be squared to each other according to the classical theory of aspects, but they are actually co-occupying very harmonious degrees because of the shared Jupiter rulership. This is a fortunate situation which reflects back to the NewMoon. Also Pisces is a natural ally for Venus-ruled Libra, since Venus is exalted in Libra, and she also rules the decanate where the NewMoon lands. Those who are drawing this chart on out the THL Icon should highlight the loose sextile/ square/inconjunct triangle that appears between these points, make notes of these inner affinities, and investigate how they land in your birthchart as well. There might be an alchemical remedy that could be constructed from these coinciding energies. (For me, Libra is my Sun sign, Sagittarius my Midheaven, and Pisces my Ascendent, so you can know that I'm taking this personally!)
The fact that Mars appears to be the mediator between NewMoon and Neptune (in terms of the irregular trine they share) suggests that we look for ways to use our individual drive and will power to adjust out our inner (Pisces) and outer (Libra) identifications. A good shove from Mars at the right time will go a long way towards focusing the potential of the NewMoon away from being bled off into momentary collective events, redirecting energy towards the lapping tide of Higher Consciousness represented by retrograde Neptune. If there is something pulling at us from the irrational, vibratory and/or pre-verbal side of the psyche, then Mars is required to shift the focus and let go of his attachment to being part of (or even a leader of) the collective. He needs to spend some time alone so he can hear that 'still small voice within'. This won't happen by accident, effort will be required to make the adjustment. Luckily, by accepting this shift of focus, and the analysis that it will inevitably provoke, will evolve our identifications from chasing after the past to creating the future, so it will be worth the sacrifice.
In the middle degrees of the signs, there's a loose t-square between retrograde Uranus, Nodes, and Pluto. This is the ongoing echo of the powerful Cardinal Cross that we have been feeling since the end of last year, and which will come back into focus a few more times before it breaks up for good next summer. Uranus and Pluto are the planets holding this window of opportunity open for so long. As a part of this action, all those who have planets in the middle degrees of the Cardinal signs are being irradiated by Uranus (by conjunction, opposition or square) right now, and there's just no escaping the effect of this pinpoint laser beam. We are being exposed to ourselves at a very deep level, so don't look away or try to escape it, no matter how uncomfortable it is to be stirred in this intimate manner. Right now we have a chance to put ourselves in the shoes of our natural "other", and see ourselves through opposite eyes. Take this opportunity to gain needed objectivity, which will help us become more congruent with our goals, our environment, and our available resources.
Looking a little bit deeper, what becomes clear is that Uranus is sitting in the Sun-ruled segment of Aries, paired with the South Node, and opposing the Saturn-ruled segment of Libra, which currently houses the North Node. Therefore, whatever new insights we can glean about ourselves by gaining perspective from an outsider's point of view (Uranus in Aries), we will be held responsible for (by the North Node) in our immediate dealings with friends and family (Libra). I'll echo John Lennon and say instant karma's going to get you, testing our inner realizations through real-time outer circumstances played out with the people around us. The more we can eliminate our double standards and hold ourselves up to the expectations we have for others, the more ably we will past these tests.
In the meanwhile, Pluto has just moved into forward motion, which we might experience as a positive thing, though Pluto never eases up with the tectonic rumblings from wherever he stands (right now that's in Capricorn). Pluto moves so slowly that we can almost normalize that feeling of underground explosions, the waves of heat he emanates, the gravitational distortions he throws around as a side-effect of his underworld digestion of everything we on the surface world hold dear. Right now he might be doing a bit of a celebratory two-step, as the earthling scientists have just decided that he is, indeed, a planet after all! http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/2014-25
Pluto is activating the midsection of Capricorn, therefore lighting up similar degrees in the other signs around the circle. This means that Uranus, the Nodes, Jupiter and Saturn are all feeling the effects of Pluto coming out of his retrograde period. Jupiter and Saturn represent opportunity and limitation, so that's already a powerful hint about where to look for signals of the changing energies. Since Jupiter and Saturn currently are registering a loose square between them, it seems that there's a push-me-pull-ye situation going on as these two jockey for attention and respect. I would suggest that, since Saturn is the slower-moving of the two, and therefore the "elder", that we meet Saturn's considerations first, paying our bills and clearing up old karmas. After that we can allow Jupiter's relative speed and higher enthusiasm to rush forward and fill in the newly-opened spaces with fresh opportunities.
Those of you who would enjoy reading more about this month's astrological influences including the FullMoon Lunar Eclipse and the coming Scorpio NewMoon Eclipse, might want to look into Carl Boudreau's FaceBook page here. I always enjoy his insights. Remember that Carl works from a composite between the New and Full Moons, which helps him speak to the whole cycle of the month.
May this month of Libra bring equilibrium, poise, harmony and fellowship to all of your activities. Blessings to all!
• The Present NewMoon is at at 1+ Libra across the midnight hour of Tuesday, September 24th at 11:14 PM (PDT) / Wednesday September 25th at 2:14 PM (EDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
• 2nd Quarter, Waxing Half Moon is at 8+ Capricorn on Wednesday, October 1st, at 3:33 PM (EDT) / 12:33 PM (PDT).
• FullMoon is at 15+ Aries on Wednesday October 8th, at 8:51 PM (EDT) / 11:10 AM (PDT). The Lunar Eclipse immediately follows at 6:55 AM EDT / 3:55 AM (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease.
• 4th Quarter, Waning Half Moon is at 22+ Cancer on WEdnesday October 15th at 3:12 PM (EDT) / 12:12 PM (PDT).
• The Solar Eclipse at 0º 15' Scorpio happens on Thursday, October 23rd at 5:45 PM (EDT) / 2:45 PM (PDT). The NewMoon at 0º 25 Scorpio immediately follows at 5:57 PM (EDT) / 2:57 PM (PDT). From this moment, the Moon begins to wax, or increase.
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ArkLetter 114, September 24, 2014
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2014, all rights reserved
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