Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 113, July 26 2014
Announcements and Calendar
NewMoon Saturday July 26th, 2014
Hello all, Happy high summer to you one and all!
This month is, as I expected, way too complicated for me to write an ArkLetter for you right now. In fact, I'm writing every day. But now it's for the sake of tying down all of the lose ends of this giant manuscript that is finally, finally leaving my desk for the future, so that it can arrive in your hands as a gorgeous, amazing fully-fledged tome. Better get your glasses prescription updated, people, you won't want to miss a stitch of this!
The volume you will see would have been considerably less complete except for the determined assistance of two extremely special people who have been standing on either side of me, nudging me along through thick and thin. The people I am referring to are Angel Lozada and Corina Bardasuc. A most miraculous fact is that, other than on Skype, I have never met either of them in person. They both live in Philadelphia PA, and both are skilled professionals in the world of literature and publishing. With their help this volume is now orders of magnitude more polished and mature. Thanks be to Great Mother!
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Sophia would send two such golden souls to help me. Angel hase been pouring out time and energy to move this project along for over two years now, Corina for the length of a human pregnancy. I just can't imagine what I would have done without their steadfast, calm and kind support! Anybody with a bit of astrological experience under their belt can imagine the difficulty involved with shepherding a befuddled Libra with Pisces rising through the number of decisions necessary to do a project of this magnitude! It has required near-infinite patience and forbearing to assist me as I dithered and blithered in my endless neuro-dweeb circles… But now we are coming to the end, and it's a beautiful thing.
Angel introduced himself to me just after the Tarot of the Holy Light went public, because he wanted to teach from my first book The Underground Stream. He actually invited me to come to Philadelphia, where he works and is a Tarot reader, so that I could teach and do some sessions for the metaphyscial community. I instantly disappointed him with my answer, but he was not deterred. Little did I know what a talented and amazing person Angel is at that first introduction! You can learn a little bit about him at Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ángel_Lozada). First he offered to help me with building the Facebook pages for the Tarot deck and the ArkLetters, then he started asking what he could do to help me with the chapters of the THL book. Then, once he understood the complexity and enormity of the project I have undertaken, Angel introduced me to his "secret weapon", Corina.
Between the two of them they have smoothed my path a hundredfold. Since the time I placed my confidence in them, they have served like two steeds pulling my Chariot, making sure I stay on the road and don't fall in a ditch or lose track of the reigns. I will never cease thanking them for all of their kindness, goodwill, steadiness, optimism, dedication and enthusiasm. These two have held the focus when I couldn't, have caught me when I'm falling, and have made sure to monitor the million details that need to be perfected to make this a dignified, complete and satisfying volume.
We all know the song "You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings", and this is how I feel about my brilliant and beloved students and professional friends across my entire career. I have been the recipient of amazing generosity year after year, a phenomenon that has encouraged me and facilitated my progress in many essential ways. You know who you are, and I love you all. I can truly say that my accomplishments could only have happened because of the people that Sophia sends me. During the creation of The Underground Stream, it was the Rosa-Rogers partnership, Steve and Tina, as well as Mary K. Greer. Then the popular Portland radio show host and internet oracle developer Paul O'Brien recruited me for the Tarot Magic project, which became the online service at www.Tarot.com. For the untangling of my life after my nervous breakdown, Spirit sent me the intrepid Michelle Banasch.
This Tarot ArkLetter website has been built and maintained by my dear friend and lightscribe, Cynthia Beal. Friend and fan Rebecca Newton put up my original Yahoo group, so I could have a venue to write into that wasn't like the Moon card, beset by baying hounds and shifting chimera. The production of The Tarot of the Holy Light was mediated and facilitated by Mihir Chandaria and Tiajuana Finnegan. To help me complete the iPad and Android app, Tina and Steve's daughter Churpa Rosa stepped up. Mihir has also been the stalwart behind the video series that I'm making, along with the help of the Time Monk Radio Network. Of course, the THL never would exist at all without Michael Dowers.
There have been many other important people along the way as well. I give thanks for all the hands and hearts who have made it possible for these wild ideas of mine to become public, even against all odds.
Goddess willing (and the creek don't rise), next month I'll be announcing the sales page for the new book, and everybody who came forward at the beginning and who has been keeping the faith for so long will be getting an e-mail. We are still at a triple-fork in the road even as I write this, because there are yet some important decisions to be made and options to be explored. This whole process has been miraculous in the extreme and I expect the conjunction of the NewMoon and Jupiter in Leo will continue to reverberate as this coming month unfolds. May the blessings and inspiration of the Great Central Sun shine down into our challenged world and help us untangle our karmic knots, so we can flow smoothly and freely into the future of our individual and collective dreams.
All the best,
Upcoming Events where I will be teaching this Fall and late Winter:
The first event is the Northwest Astrology and Tarot Salon, which is happening this coming November 10 - 13 at Breitenbush Hot Springs outside of Detroit, Oregon. Information about this event can be found at www.nwsalon.com. This is the event to attend if you enjoy a relaxed, natural environment with plenty of hang-time, including non-conference activities like hiking, massage and hot tubbing. The stunning setting, nestled in the western slopes of Oregon's Cascade Mountains, provides visual feasts that will inspire our thoughts and conversations. Participants will get to meet, study with and have readings from a range of practitioners, some of whom have served the Pacific Northwest "metapysical scene" for decades already. This is not a giant venue so it is best to enroll soon, to ensure your choice of accomodations.
The second event is the Northwest Tarot Symposium (NW Tarot Symposium), which will be happening March 6 - 8 at the Monarch Hotel in Portland, OR. You can find out all about this conference athttp://nwtarotsymposium.com/ This is the event to attend if you have ever wanted to check out Oregon's only true megopolis, with its many bridges, famous gardens, signature brewries and restaurants, and of course the ultimate mecca of bibliophiles, Powell's City of Books. People from out of state will get a chance to experience a slice of Oregon's fabulous extended spring season, which actually starts in late winter and continues right through to early summer. Whether it rains or shines on that weekend, Portland is truly Oregon's Emerald City, of which the state is justly proud. Come and experience your own slice of Portlandia, in the company of your favorite Tarot writers, readers and creators!
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ArkLetter 113, July 26, 2014
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2014, all rights reserved
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Classes, Readings, and Private Sessions on personal and business matters
TAROT ARKLETTERS are published by:
Christine Payne-Towler and Noreah Press
Tarot Interpretation & Charts
Tarot Reading text creation at Tarot.com
Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light