"Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 109, March 30, 2014
Remote Viewing and Immortality
Dear Diary --
Yes, friends, this is how it feels to sit down to write another ArkLetter this month. You have been such faithful readers, month in, month out! I so appreciate having my own bully pulpit, from which to share this fountain of inspiration called life. Welcome to Spring 2014, it's a blessing to meet you here under these auspicious skies!
The other day I was struck by a juxtaposition of the type that seems to happen around me more often as I get older. Whether this happens because "instant karma" is getting faster, or because the collective mind is attuning us all to parallel tracks, I just can't say. But when I take a horizontal sweep across my e-mails, my Skype conversations, my Facebook visits, and my phone calls (including client sessions), it seems that certain topics will be absent for awhile, and then suddenly one of these loaded ideas will rise up from every direction at once with no warning.
I actually became an astrologer because of things like this. I needed something to look at that would reflect the trends I kept experiencing, both within my inner dialogue, and coming at me from the outside environment. My interest in the astrological matrix inherent to the Tarot is a direct outgrowth of this process of scanning the moving forces behind current manifestations.
But there has been another primary impetus as well, and that is my madly exaggerated psychism, which is always pushing forward information that doesn't correspond to any material thing in the world as I currently see it. I seem to be constantly bombarded with suggestions from invisible sources, which might strike me in any number of ways.
Professor Courtney Brown and the Remote Viewing Project
Here's a recent development that has grabbed my attention, probably because of the empathy I have for the protagonist of this unfolding story. Dr. Brown, an expert in the art and science of Remote Viewing, has stuck his neck painfully far out into deep space, inviting death by a thousand papercuts from the nay-sayers in the wings. Courtney Brown is a military-trained professional, who has participated in a very interesting array of projects of the type that seldom make it to the front pages of our popular press. He's certainly not the only practitioner the Remote Viewing movement, but he's the most outspoken person I currently know about in this arena. Here is the site where his most recent project is being showcased, where his blockbuster announcement is presented in a ~40-minute introductory form, after which you can follow on to a full-length documentary if you are interested: http://www.farsight.org/
I find myself in an interesting position relative to Courtney Brown. He was born within a decade of myself, and he's clearly intense, sincere, dedicated, tightly-wound, intelligent and courageous. No doubt he's been intuitive all of his life, as well as gifted in the modern IQ-dominated way. I see in him a very acute "nerve cell" type of soul, who is painfully embodied at a time when the mass mind wants to be dulled down, distracted, fuzzed-out and deadened. This is not an easy time to be a searching soul with a passion for the big questions! He chose a male body to house this intense acuity, which no doubt has helped him in some ways but also made things hard for him in others.
Through history, the "psychic arts" have classically belonged to the women's sphere, so the idea of a Warrior of the Psychic Arts doesn't immediately imply the level of macho "schwing" that a military man might want to convey. It takes quite a bit of sensitivity, subtlety and subjectivity to do this kind of work, at least in my experience. Courtney strikes me as one who has to struggle to be seen as a rigorous scientist amongst his peers. He's taken a stance based on what his own experience with Remote Viewing has demonstrated, had this stance has set his directly at odds with the dunderhead materialism and thick-as-a-brick literality that the world of science insists upon. He's had to walk such a fine line to simultaneously do this work and simultaneously defend it against all comers! In the military he was in a context where his work was welcomed and funded, but now that he's in the civilian world, it's harder to find the support and the credibility that his level of professionalism deserves. One can see as he's talking in this video that he is gently but firmly pleading with his listers to engage their minds and imaginations, to reason with him directly and open up to what he is showing us. Unfortunately, he knows that many are slacking back into disbelieving and uncaring blankness, actively resisting the impulse to awaken from our cultural trance.
I have my own past with techniques like Remote Viewing, since I graduated from a Mind Dynamics program in 1970 by correctly diagnosing the medical condition of a total stranger, based only on the person's name, age and address. I was 18 at that time, and I'd already been hearing the end of people's sentences in my head (before they wold speak them) since childhood. One of my games in school when I was bored was to see if I could influence my teacher's choice of vocabulary while he or she lecturing, by psychically "suggesting" particular words as the teacher would stop to breathe and think. I got pretty good at it, too! By the time I left high school, I was already instinctively modifying my environment in subtle ways with my "psychic tentacles". (The myth of Medusa had a special significance to me, since I was also gifted with a head full of crazy, serpentine ringlets.)
Hence, looking at Professor Brown, lean as a whippet and pointed as a greyhound, keen as a knife-blade to expose this super-important findings, I KNOW what he is talking about, and I KNOW the significance of this breakthrough he is speaking to and trying to convey with all of his heart. I'm right there with him trying to make a pivotal point in the middle of a circle of adversarial thought-forms, standing up for what is manifestly real, but fending right and left with institutionalized thinking that is founded on the impossibility of one's premise.
The saying goes: First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win. For this reason I say hang in there Courtney! You must be doing something right to piss so many people off to this degree.
This sentiment arises after watching just his 40-minute video, without benefit of careful consideration of his evidence and that of his remote viewing team. I learned a long time ago that when a psychic is teaching, one needs to focus intentionally and watch the speaker's energy very carefully. For me, the information is less about what they are saying, than what their energy-body is doing while they are talking. In my experience, information comes through whether I'm there with the person, seeing a video, hearing a voice, whatever "contact" I can get. After all, if I can read a third party who is a total stranger to both myself and the person who is testing me, then exactly what can really be kept secret? If I can write a Tarot interpretive script for a computer to deliver to total strangers of all ages around the world, which is still valued and used 14 years later, and which hundreds of people have modeled their own service after, then who in the world of clients, peers, teachers, celebrities, authorities, or experts can withold what I need to know from my probing gaze? I operate on the premise that if there is something out there that is essential to my work, then it will show itself to me, through one means or another.
My experience is that all of Creation is consciousness. So far as I can tell, every frequency is occupied by and expressing consciousness, so there is nothing I will ever experience that lacks this dimension. Anything I can perceive will be marked by the quality of seeing me back. There is no hiding, there is no anonymity, each of us stands out in the landscape of Being like a burning bush or a pillar of fire. While we are so taken up performing our fiercely-edited "story of the self", trying to get people to see us as we wish to be seen, our aura is loudly announcing every stitch of what we are thinking, feeling, loving and hating, including everything we are trying to repress!
The only ones ignoring this self-evident reality are the silly myopic ego-encrusted humans. Animals, vegetables and minerals sense it all, and beyond the materialized life-forms, the subtler entities perceive all kinds of things we mud-made creatures are too thick to register. In particular, humans have a taboo laid over our imaginations, a stricture that prevents us from getting abreast of our situation and truly seeing who and what we existentially are. Somehow we are incredibly adept at completely overlooking the literal universe we are immersed within. In fact, the more "civilized" we become, the more lost in amnesia we become, as if it were possible or even advisable to substitute food, fashion and spin class for an authentic relationship to Nature. This syndrome of distraction, reframing and willful denial cuts us off from what is present and real in the landscape of consciousness. This is the actuality that Courtney Brown is addressing with his Farsight Institute revelations, wherever he might search out his targets in time.
I was writing to a friend about the Farsight Institute the other day, and this is what came out:
Civilization is still waging the war against the I - magi - nation. DO NOT REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! The vast machinations of global culture are deployed 24/7 to keep us from shaking off the learned trance of modernity, in fear that we might re-connect with our authentic and original Natures again. If we were to fully realize and accept what our inherent attributes and natural predilections actually say about our function in Nature, many of us would immediately find better things to do with our time and energy than go to our jobs!
After a little consideration, the part of Courtney's message that will stand the test of time is this: The implications of Remote Viewing are much like the implications of psychic surgery, dream magic, aura reading, Tarot and other Oracles, plus all the subtle modalities of diagnosis & healing. Taken together, these phenomena lead directly to the thought that the future, the past and the expanded present, including all parallel realities, are simultaneously available from any and every point in time/space. If you are anywhere at all, then you are everywhere, by virtue of your participation in the life-wave which is everywhere connected.
Ultimately, we are embedded into something that is conscious, and is conscious of us. We even seem to be intimately entwined with the wiring or "wetware" of that something; there is a constant two-way flow of information being exchanged. There doesn't seem to be any way to get around it, we are never alone. At the edge of the Self is the immensity of Being, and at any moment we can take refuge within that Being without needing to quantify it down to our level.
This instantly begs the question: If I could be anywhere and anybody, doing anything, then why am I here, doing this, being me? What is it that I'm getting out of this embodied episode that Spirit couldn't achieve through any other means?
I have no problem with the idea that one's lifetimes are like beads on the soul's string, like the cars making up the train, like potatoes on their vine, growing together but still separate. But this thought has always seemed natural to me; I've always been pretty slippery and vaporous in my personal psyche, not firmly locked into my present here/now.
By contrast the stolid materialist, almost completely impermeable, takes their reality from the sensible world only, relying on the outer illusion of cause-and-effect in order to explain what is happening and why. The problem with this point of view is that the dense substance of matter records and represents the residual traces of whatever invisible energies have recently moved through it. Thus materialism affords us a bass-ackwards view of external effects without giving us access to the subtle, often-invisible causes. From the point of view of esotericism, all causes are to be sought in the energetic realm, while conversely the sensual world of tangible manifestation (expressible in weights and measures) only holds the imprint of the last motive force that blew through the landscape.
What's best for humans is to get curious about the puppet-strings holding everything up, to find out who or what is pulling them. This is why I'm so interested in Spaceweather, that's why I have sunk so many years into studying the ancient art/science of Magic, and that's why I write this blog!
Addendum: A further extenuation of this discussion came just before publication time, from another tuned-in, visionary friend who enjoys broad-minded "imagineering" as a way of preparing for possible futures. She is taking a very long-term view on the human experiment. This is her response to the New and Full Moons upcoming, regarding the varied predictions of the futurists one finds online. I like the way she suggests alternative approaches to re-engineer our visions of the future. This is a refreshing alternative to our culture's overfocus on the macabre, the tragic and the doomed:
"I did some deconstruction of the Abraham message and it's the absolute best one out there. I'll soon be approaching my second year - the techniques stand up under every scenario I can think of, including as an ET recruiter marshaling forces in the face of great odds. Imagine this: the Earth is being completely overrun by inter-dimensional bad guys with awesome powers; multiple 'generals' use different methods to rally human troops of the willing to do the "fighting" or, better said, simply get as many "out" fully ensouled and alive as they can (since there's a fear-based egregor with a LOT of momentum that even the ETs believe). One general decides to program its team to 1) believe that they're invincible because they're totally responsible for their own reality, 2) master the chemistry of their emotions and use them as a guidance system, steering toward everything that feels like the right direction and ignoring (not fighting) anything that feels 'wrong', 3) become certain there's no such thing as death, 4) look to themselves, internally, 100% for the best next step, 5) don't believe in fighting or resisting or pushing against anything and 6) are positive they magnetically attract everything they experience. Would you want to fight a trooper like that? No way --- they wouldn't even notice you! In fact, you would be invisible to them. They've got more important things to do - like have fun, enjoy life, dig the physical, etc. Anyhow, works for me!!"
And while we are on this subject, here's another video for those who enjoyed the discussion with Susan Joy Rennison last month. This is the first section of a multisegment presentation on Ancient Knowledge, using clips from current science to suppliment the point. I enjoyed the sequence of presenters and the effect in my own consciousness of following along. While you are watching this, think back to Rennison's reporting on the properties of complex plasmas and the electric universe as a whole. After watching this you will have a much stronger sense of the big bang, the process of manifestation, and the inner dynamics of self-healing and world change. I'd recommend to listen intently rather than play this while multitasking -- some very powerful things are being revealed here!
The message for this month is, if we can learn to identify with our eternal natures instead of our local time/space incarnation, we will not labor so hard to "solve" our personalities and control the circumstances around us. It might be more useful to concentrate on the pleasure and fulfillment we can derive from our current situation, whatever stage circumstances have come to here and now. There's no need to get our hearts set on "working it all out", that might just be overkill from the POV of the soul. Each one's precise set of characteristics and complexes, resulting in our overt and covert beliefs, is a unique production of our own evolution to date. It might be more realistic just to stay curious and flexible about it all, rolling with the punches, reinventing ourselves as we go along. We can feel lucky and grateful if we are managing to carry on by "swinging from vine to vine", making a life out of whatever comes. Life doesn't need to be wrapped up in a tidy, easily-explainable package, or reducible to a single meaningful bull's-eye, nor even symmetrical and easily-read. Your life is not being lived for bystanders, for the peanut gallery, the Greek chorus or your dead ancestors! It is being lived by your soul, as one part of a much larger endeavor. You don't have to get it all done in this lifetime! Calm down, everybody, and enjoy the ride.
I for one assume that we are right in the thick of the predicted changes now, the powerful temporal soup of a global life change that's been predicted by all the major calendars of the ancient world. I see some radical alterations possible to our basic templates, from the genetic to the solar system level, including habitat and species changes that allow all of us to rethink our "givens" and re-evaluate. It's just that time in the cycle, I guess. I can also imagine that this very level of change will activate some of our "junk DNA" that the scientists talk about. This could be tantamount to integrating the fallow parts of the brain into our normal waking consciousness. Let's look towards feeling new sensations, new intuitions, and new emotions as we step into the future. As we'll see in the NewMoon Notes, there's a lot going on. But while the movie continues to roll, and while the "story of the self" plays out through and around you, try to remember that you are a Soul having an incarnation, not a body stuck in a dead-end fight with entropy.
Spring Blessings to all! May your dreams come true this year, this season, this day of rebirth!
ArkLetter 109, March 30, 2014
copyright christine payne-towler 2005-2014, all rights reserved
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TAROT ARKLETTERS are published by:
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Tarot Interpretation & Charts
Tarot Reading text creation at Tarot.com
Bishop, Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Founder: Tarot University Online
Author: The Underground Stream, the Tarot of the Holy Light
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