Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 77, July 30, 2011
I. In case there's still someone out there who hasn't heard, I will be giving a Keynote Speech at the Association for Tarot Studies conference in France this fall, where I will launch the new Tarot of the Holy Light created by myself and my partner Michael Dowers. I believe there are still spaces open at the conference, so head on over to http://association.tarotstudies.org/2011convention.html and claim your spot at this unique and groundbreaking event! You will not believe the lineup, the people who are attending, the venue -- it’s going to offer superlative experiences for those lucky enough to be part of the fun. Truly, esoteric Tarot is coming of age!
II. In the next two weeks, August 2nd and 9th (at 6:00 PM PDT) I'll be presenting a 2-part series called "The Coming of the Goddess To Tarot". Both of these short courses are/will be available for one-time viewing or can be purchased in DVD form for your permanent collection. DVD's will be available at the ATS Conference in France as well. Visit our Facebook page or contact me directly for more information.
III. New Moon Tarotology -- July, TOO 2011 ......Sun, Moon and Venus in Leo. Following the students of Etteilla, who passed on the oldest complete body of Tarot correspondences we can currently document, this grouping would be represented as Fool, High Priestess and Empress in the Hermit's land. Yes, that's right, the oldest Continental correspondence for the Sun is The Fool, Trump #0! I read this as the Fool for God, the wide-open mystic who is willing to go where the Divine Hand leads. We could also see him as a benign Pied Piper figure, leading the High Priestess and the Empress into the wilderness, into untrammeled and uncharted lands for refreshment and rejuvenation...http://www.tarotarkletters.com/2011/07/newmoon-tarotlogy-july-too-2011-1.html
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