By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 55, September 18, 2009
I. Book Review: Dai Leon, Origins of the Tarot...I have been very excited at the publication of Origins of the Tarot; Cosmic Evolution and the Principles of Immortality, by Dai Leon. I give it the highest recommendation to all my students, with the understanding that it's a long, slow read. Many different cultural paradigms are introduced and discussed here, some of which might seem new in the context of Tarot. Ideas from our ancestors, both ancient and more recent, are rubbed up against each other, hopefully to throw sparks into the inner life of the thoughtful reader...
II. World Servers' Spread, September, 2009....My focus for this month's shuffle came from a recent client session. In the course of the discussion, a theme kept repeating itself at every level of analysis, like a fractal. The idea distilled thusly: When you think like a soul and have respect for the energies present, you can influence the manifestation of developing events. I wrote this down at the time because it seemed such a compact statement about magic, but later it became apparent that this little formula could assist us in interpreting our WSS ...
III. New Moon Notes - September, 2009 ...It's a super-concentrated NewMoon we have this month! Intimately connected with the SoLunar conjunction at 25+ Virgo is Saturn, who not only shares the same degree with NewMoon but who also brings in his near-exact opposition to Uranus from Pisces. Beyond NewMoon stands Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, shimmering with retrograde motion at the very last degree of his sign. Here we have half of the chart tied up in a single figure along the axis of healing (Virgo) and/or being recycled (Pisces). Thus we mark the last days of the previous season and prefigure the new one with a powerful dose of Virgo's restorative medicine....
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