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It would be nice if you tied it all together at the end to see how it answered your initial question/thoughts. It's not clear now how you have answered your own questions.


Hi Maggie --

To tell you the truth, that's what I thought I was doing in the last paragraph! But I realize in light of your question that you have created an opportunity for us to parse into the nuances of asking a question, so I'm really glad you asked.

The emphasis of my feelings as I framed the question and shuffled the cards was not upon the outer manifestations of oil shocks and energy-grid collapses that might be in our future. I was a young adult during the 70's oil crisis, and was active in Y2K planning in my area a few years ago. The question has never been whether such things would happen, but rather when, and how shall we feel about it, meet it, respond to it?

The question was shuffled from the angle of "what can the little guy do to prepare herself?", meaning in cognative, emotional, and/or psychic ways. I did not state that explicitly enough to have it show in the printed question, but that was the valence of my energy as I shuffled. Therefore I read and interpreted the answer from the POV of the inner life, rather than the outer.

Remember, the premise of this spread is that what happens in the Macrocosmos (World) filters down through the mesocosmos (Fool) and becomes real in the microcosmos (Magus).
Therefore this spread is an x-ray of the very Thoughts of God (World) which are raining down from "above", invisibly shaping (Fool) our private lives (Magus) and causing each of us to be inspired by new visions of possible futures. It's a true divinatory spread, done to "divine the will of Heaven".

So if you can imagine Great Mother (Virgin of the World) speaking "down" through the DNA chain of our planet (Fool) into your personal body (Magus), this is the model I'm using to interpret this spread every month. It provides an instant flash about the descent/ascent moment, the simultaneous communion constantly taking place between All and I.

So with these cards, I'm hearing Her say:

Gain some humility right now, meagre humans! It's not always all about you. Learn to curb your pathological sense of entitlement so we can all get along better now that you have upset the balance so badly. You aren't even asking the right questions yet, so how can I help you? Do what it takes to increase the practicality and accountablility of your focus. All the tools are you need are already in your hands, but you must learn to use them rather than behaving like a child, waiting for someone else to fix it. When you have gone as far as you can on your own steam and things get tougher (as we know they will), petition Me, and I will move in closer and awaken your heart and your sensitivities even more than they currently are. That way the conversation between us will become even stronger and more compelling in your body/mind. It might initially feel painful to become even more sensitive and aware than you are now, but that is the path that leads to your homecoming in Eden, the place/time when we can all heal again and be together in peace."

Anyway, that's how it reads to me. No doubt others will hear echos of their own inner conversations resonating out from this. Also, remember that this spread is done with my subscribers and an unknown number of general folks in mind, so I don't want to give explicit instructions like "store water and dried foods" or "stash gold coins in the basement". I think my job is to point out the avenues whereby people will get their own instructions.

Thanks again for asking, Maggie!


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