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Gennie Britt

Hello. I am a survivor of a business partnership that began when my friend used his Thothe tarot cards to decide if we should join forces as business partners. It was THE SUN card that came up- on this card were symbols for Scorpio and Leo in partnership. I am a Scorpio he is a Leo, significant? amazingly so.

We worked together for 7 years with success that seemed unstoppable then 4 heartwrenching years of conflict ending this year two hours short of our first appearance in court. I now own the company we started as friends, it is what I fought so hard to keep while he only wanted to retire, his wife who was never a factor before made the simple process of each of us having what we wanted slip further from our grasp.

We nearly lost our home and my husband lost his dreams that he came home with after he had just returned from three years of active duty after 911. Our health suffered we became terribly bitter and fought often, we felt as if we lost our souls because we were so filled with anger. The turmoil nearly cost us all we had.

I am telling you this because if I asked you to review my readings during this time you would know this story without my telling it.I did not frame a valid question very often as I felt that to give too many hints would taint the purity of the reading. The insight I gained from simple spreads or complex ones made me feel confident in my higher self, God and the universe. I was guided and still am through my own intuition, common sense and through wisdom written by Christines interpretation of the cards and the position they fall in.

Today I pulled a 5 of cups in challeges and opportunities-my question to stay focused and do the right thing. The answer came upon the realization that half of my inventory is unaccounted for and my customers represent less than a third of who we had two years ago-I must rebuild it with what I have left. This is my own reality how the program could say it without knowing me is pretty damn cool- and pretty damn scary but I like it. Thanks for reading- Gennie

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