Tarot ArkLetter - http://www.tarotarkletters.com
By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 61, April 14, 2010
I. World Servers' Spread, April 2010...Events of the last few months have been making quite a difference to my focus and goals for this year. My partner Michael's progress in creating 78 unique images for our Tarot deck is amazing. Meanwhile I've been going backwards through my studies to find all of the little sub-topics and dropped stitches I want to gather up for inclusion into the book that will accompany these icons. Jupiter's recent passage into Aries re-creates the climate of opportunity that obtained when I was writing my first book and assembling the text that has been churning out readings at Tarot.com for the last 12 years. My, how time flies! ... http://www.tarotarkletters.com/2010/04/world-servers-spread-april-2010.html
II. New Moon Notes - April 2010 ... Happy Aries NewMoon! Oh joy of rebirth! We are one and all made new for the season, at least to the degree that we want to be. Spring is upon the Northern Hemisphere in earnest; the quality of the light has changed profoundly over the last month, and the obscuring smog of late-winter lethargy has been dispelled. ...http://www.tarotarkletters.com/2010/04/new-moon-notes-april-2010.html
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