By Christine Payne-Towler
ArkLetter 52, June 22, 2009
I. Awake to Intuition....There are a couple of things going on in this essay. First I want to
review some new books that have come into my hands. There's always a
lot to talk about now that the textbooks of Western Esotericism are
being written and the discipline is filling out. But there's no way I
can keep up with the barrage of new works, much as I love to keep a
tentacle in the water, testing the stream. Excitingly, certain things
that I have been watching out for have begun to make themselves
apparent in the intellectual marketplace ...
II. World Servers' Spread, June, 2009.... "I'm sick to death of this!" Everybody' has at least one area
in life that feels this way. How many times have you heard yourself
saying some version of this lately? It's a meme that offers itself
from every corner of the collective mind. Some of us might be tempted
to listen to it, repeat it, allow it to enter our regular patois and
play on through their mind and mouth unnoticed. Such a world-weary,
devitalized and curdled attitude is a dangerous companion on the path
to consciousness; something the mythical Don Juan would call a "worthy
adversary". When we find ourselves in the presence of such a
thought-form, we need to snap awake, engage our defense mechanisms and
cast it overboard as quickly as possible, before it gets its hooks very
far into us. ...
III. New Moon Notes - June, 2009 ...Wow, conjunction city! Can anyone say 'urge to merge'? Last month we had a spate of close contacts, but this month, there are three pairs of moving bodies that are each literally sharing the same degree.
This NewMoon is the first and primal pair, since this provides
the reason for constructing the chart in the first place. The companion
conjunctions are occurring between Mars/Venus and Neptune/Jupiter
(these two are retrograde). This makes my job easier, because
mathematically, the more bodies that act together, the fewer aspects
there are to talk about. But of course, the circumstance adds
interpretive complication in another way, because so many aspects turn
into triangulations (of a sort), having extra partners mixed up in the
deal. (Sounds like a mini-lesson in relationships right there!)....
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