ArkLetter 18
This NewMoon issue of Christine Payne-Towler's
"Tarot University ArkLetters" is online September 22, 2006, NewMoon high-noon to mid afternoon, PST
I. The Continental Tarots, Part 2 "Divination: Highest Expression of the Magi's Art"
(A continuation of the August 2006 ArkLetter essay) ...Fascinating! Words, numbers, times, symbols, images, letters and
seals, in short occult philosophy as a whole (including the traditional
hierarchies of Angels, Planets, Spirits and other potentized Names) are
parts of "mathematical magic", and partake of both natural and
supernatural characteristics...
II. September, 2006 - World Servers' Spread; a 3-Card Reading for the Now ..."
Turnabout is fair play...What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the
gander...When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." These are phrases
that we hear all the time, but how do we apply them
when life bends around suddenly and pulls a 180-degree turn on us, when
the shoe is suddenly jammed onto the other foot?...
III. New Moon Notes - September 22, 2006 .NewMoon, Solar Eclipse AND the Equinox ...Ahhh, eclipse
weather again! Isn't it exciting? The last time we were in this
position was during the two weeks between the FullMoon and NewMoon of
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