The New Moon issue of Christine Payne-Towler's "Tarot ArkLetters" is online December 30, 2005, New Moon at 7:12 pm PDT
I. Theogenesis: ...What are the steps, one might ask, what is the progression necessary
that a person undergoes to become an Esotericist? []
II. December 30 - World Servers' Spread; a 3-Card Reading for the World ...I write this shortly after both Winter Solstice and Christmas, in the
"dark of the year" but at the beginning of the rebirth of the light... [
III. New Moon Notes ... Some charts are simple, in that they really aren't that complicated -- they display their nature readily because their geometry is obvious. Some are deceptively simple, in that they don't really look like big shucks until one were to study them at some depth... []
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